Dear Faithful Readers (all 47 of you),
I apologize for the delay in posting on the blog. Very soon, there will be a post about young Kohl’s first trip to the beach. I am just waiting on Kohl’s mom to select which pictures to post along with it. That means, you should expect to see it some time around May of 2014.
In the interim, however, I thought I would report some very promising news. Today, Kohl had his first EEG since leaving the NICU in February. Naturally, we were extremely anxious about the results because an EEG is one of the only objective tools we have right now to measure his development. EEG stands for “electroencephalogram,” and it measures the brain’s electrical activity.
Here is a picture of a very cooperative patient preparing to have his EEG done:
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It is odd that while Kohl can barely withstand bath time and wardrobe changes, he does not seem to mind having 23 nodes attached to his cranium. Go figure.
But I digress. I am thrilled to report that in today’s EEG, Kohl’s background activity was completely normal.
To put things in perspective, his first EEG, on his second day of life, was nearly flat. It was terrifying. He steadily improved throughout his stay at Children’s, but his last one before being discharged was still not normal. Nevertheless, the doctors at Children’s were surprised that his background activity even improved as much as it did given the severity of his brain injury. So we were thankful for what improvement we got.
But this little guys seems to be making it a habit to surprise everyone, almost daring you to doubt him.
We are so thankful for today’s wonderful news, and we wanted to share. Please keep praying and sending positive thoughts our way. I can say, without reservation, that they are working!