Category Archives: Uncategorized
Dear D.C., please don’t forget about me
Well hello there, esteemed ladies and gentlemen of the 115th U.S. Congress. My name is Kohler Henson Chrestman. No, I’m not related to the toilet, sink and urinal magnate. Kohler is my mommy’s maiden name. I go by Kohl. I wanted to … Continue reading
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A Work in Progress
I remember sitting with my wife Sarah in the neurologist’s office when my son Kohl was a baby, shortly after being discharged from the NICU. It was the first time after Kohl’s nightmarish first days, born with global brain damage, … Continue reading
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Holy shit, Santa Claus is real
I remember it vividly. ‘Twas the night before Christmas many years ago. I had just been evicted from the bed that my sisters and I traditionally shared on Christmas Eve. No, not in that way, you sick ass hole. We … Continue reading
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