Category Archives: Uncategorized

Operation Black Bear

“If LSU were playing the North Koreans, I’d root for the North Koreans.”  — Reuben Leonard Chrestman, III (Ole Miss fan) The college football rivalry between Ole Miss and LSU dates back to the 19th century.  It has had its share … Continue reading

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Infringing on the golden years: ruining my parents fishing trip

Meet my parents – Reuben and Mary Ann Chrestman (Reuby Ann).  Both are 70 years young.  They are in their blissful golden years, where every second matters, and quality time with one another is among one of life’s most precious … Continue reading

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Dear Abbie (the dog)

Dear Abbie (the dog), Yesterday, you took your last breath in this world.  Because of that scourge of the Earth we call cancer, you were taken from us after ten short years.  That’s human years because according to the chart … Continue reading

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