Category Archives: Musings
The Binky Dance
Today, the little McNugget is two-months old. And what better way to celebrate than to show a quick video clip of what Kohl’s mom has named “The Binky Dance,” which is what he has spent the majority of his first … Continue reading
A List of Firsts
Kohl has dominated the game of life the last few weeks and experienced a number of its pleasures for the first time. He has discovered new family members erstwhile unknown, he has made new friends and he has enjoyed a … Continue reading
It’s Good To Be King
Merriam Webster defines the term “swagger” as “arrogant or conceitedly self-assured behavior,” an “ostentatious display or bravado,” and/or a “self confident outlook.” With all due respect to Noah Webster and the Merriam brothers, those explanations fall woefully short of defining … Continue reading