Medical Update

It has been awhile since we have included a medical update on here, and there have been a lot of developments.   Here are the highlights:

Developmental Delays

In the grand scheme of things, Kohl is doing well, but there are several developmental delays that we, along with his team of therapists, are working on.  First, he continues to struggle with the use of his hands and and getting him to loosen and use his hands more is one of the main goals we are working towards in his therapy sessions.  Beyond the obvious benefits of using your hands, such as getting to pick your own nose, high-five daddy, or shoot the bird at the nearest Alabama fan, hand use is an important building block to reaching other milestones like sitting up unassisted, feeding yourself a bottle, etc. While his progress has been sometimes painfully slow, it is still progress.  And it is one of the many ways Kohl is teaching his parents to be patient.

He also has some delays in his motor skills.  He does not sit up unassisted or roll over.   A lot of this has to do with tightness and weakness in his muscle tone, but it is something he is also coming along on slowly but surely. Fortunately, Kohl’s dad is ridiculously strong and athletic, and his mom is pretty tough as well, so he has that going for him.

Another pervasive challenge at Chateau du Chrestman is feeding.  We have learned that neurological damage, aside from the obvious problems, brings a host of other smaller issues that cause a lot of stress.  One of those issues is a very bad case of acid reflux.  Kohl’s tight muscle tone also includes his stomach muscles which makes his acid reflux even worse and has caused issues with his eating.  As a result, he is an inconsistent eater who enjoys spitting up copious amounts of foul-smelling formula.  Stressing over whether Kohl has had the requisite amount of formula and solid foods on any given day has become a favorite pasttime.  As we type this blog post, however, he dominated all of his bottles and solids yesterday and is on track to do the same today.


Kohl had his second MRI since he was born, which was an eagerly anticipated event.  The MRI was certainly an improvement from his first, but it still showed significant, global brain damage. The good news, however, is that MRI images do not necessarily tell the whole story.  We understand that there are patients out there who have images that look worse than Kohl’s, yet function fine on a daily basis.  Conversely, there are patients who have completely normal images yet present significant problems when evaluated clinically.  Bottom line is that Kohl is doing much better clinically than his MRI images suggest.  Just another example of Kohl’s toying with medical science.

Eye Surgery 

There is one encouraging development.  Kohl has an eye condition called strabismus which basically means that his eyes do not properly align.  The condition has obvious effects on vision, and it can affect someone’s depth perception.  Essentially, Kohl’s eyes may not be sending the correct signals to his brain.  As a result, Kohl has been scheduled for a minor surgical procedure in January that will correct this condition and could have a very positive impact on his development.  Many of his developmental delays, namely not reaching for objects and making very little eye contact, could be partially due to this condition.  Correcting it, we hope, will result in significant improvement.

The only drawback is that he could be dissappointed when actually sees what he is supposed to see.

Finding out that you belong to these two geeks off the street would be traumatizing to even the most stable of us.


Kohl’s ever important team of providers, therapists, and caregivers regular evaluate and update his care plan.  He is continuing with physical and occupational therapy for 1.5 – 2 hours a week each, and we’ve added a half hour music therapy session, which he loves.  Through Early Steps, two new therapists will be joining Kohl’s team: a vision specialist and a nutritionist.  He will have four sessions over the next three months with each.  The vision specialist will help us to nurture and strengthen his vision while maximizing any gains from his strabismus surgery in January.  The nutritionist will help us to improve Kohl’s eating habits (i.e. consistently eating within a certain time frame) and will give us exercises to improve his oral motor skills.  This may even help with his speech development.  We are excited to receive these services and are looking forward to Kohl’s continued progress!

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A Series of Firsts Part Deux

As Kohl enters his tenth month, his parents realize how woefully inadequate the updates on his blog have been.  To our regular readers, please accept our sincerest apologies.  We took a little time off for some Fall cleaning and are now eager to get back into the swing of things with regular postings of the goings-on of young Kohler Henson Chrestman.

Without further ado and in no particular order, here are some highlighted new experiences the young fellow has had.

First Halloween – Taking advantage of those few years when a child has no say in what he or she is going to be for Halloween, Kohl’s mom and dad decided to dress him up as a baby penguin.  This decision was, in part, due to a complete lack of creativity.  His parents made the puzzling decision a few years ago to buy adult-sized penguin costumes.  Because of the substantial sum invested in the penguin suits, lack of planning and a general lack of creativity, Kohl’s parents, more often than not, dress up as penguins for Halloween.  So it was only fitting that the adult penguins would welcome a baby penguin into the family.

Kohl yearns for the day that he can vocalize his desires not to be dressed up like a penguin. He understands that this costume, particularly the top hat, will cause him to be ridiculed in years ahead.  Anyone who makes fun of him for his penguin costume, however, is sure to face the wrath of the man of steel pictured below.

First train ride – Kohl has always been intrigued by the inviting toot of the miniature red train that regularly trecks through City Park right across the street from Chateau du Chrestman.  Tired of playing spectator to this interesting contraption, he finally got to ride on it as a passenger.

First hurricane evacuation – Three things are certain when you live in New Orleans – death, taxes and hurricane evacuations.   Kohl was able to experience his first “hurrication” when that pesky Isaac fellow came in and ruined all our plans, forcing the Chrestman family to relocate temporarily to Lake Charles.  Through a bizarre turn of events, Kohl’s dad was forced to make the normally three hour trek back to New Orleans in five hours all while entertaining both the little fellow and Abbie the dog.  Man, Kohl’s dad is a good guy.

First trip to the Superdome – Kohl was still in the NICU during what was perhaps the most disappointing loss in recent Saints history.  And as Kohl gets indoctrinated by the black and gold way of life, he will surely be glad that he was sedated and intubated during that unfortunate playoff loss.

So it was with great anticipation that Kohl made his first trip to the dome.  He may have only lasted two quarters before defecating in his pants, but he left an indelible mark during his maiden voyage into Who Dat Nation headquarters.

Kohl is disappointed that it took so long for him to witness his first Saints win, but like his father, he retains his unshakeable optimism about a playoff run.

First Alabama loss – Thankfully, Kohl was enjoying his last few days in the womb during the sorriest excuse for a college football national championship game in recent memory.  That embarrassing loss affected all LSU fans, and even though he was still in his prenatal form, this little Tiger remembers it, and he was just as devastated when the Tigers fell short again this year.

Kohl could think of no other way to react to LSU’s devastating loss to Alabama than to feverishly suck on his pacifier.  That, however, did NOT pacify him.

But he quickly moved on while enjoying every second of Texas A&M’s dismantling of that fraud of a national championship contender just weeks ago.

Sometimes you just have to celebrate the little wins life hands you along the way.

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Kohl vs. Gulf of Mexico

Shortly after celebrating his six-month birthday (this was over two months ago – thanks mommy for taking so long to pick out pictures), Kohl marked the occasion by taking his first trip to the beach.  In his short, half-year of life, Kohl has grown accustomed to domination.  He has mastered his parents, and he has imposed his will in a dictatorial regime at Chateau du Chrestman.

The king on his throne, employing the “gangster lean”

So, he was filled with confidence as he moved to conquer his next foe – the Gulf of Mexico.  While mom and dad are no match for Kohl, the Gulf of Mexico presented a much bigger challenge.  It is timeless, it is vast.  It was on.

Tiring quickly of heavy rain and slow traffic, Kohl quickly takes over driving responsibilities to expedite his confrontation with the Gulf

Day one, unfortunately, went to the Gulf of Mexico.  What started out as an attempt to slowly but surely introduce Kohl to sand and the ocean, ended up with Kohl taking an unexpected wave to the face.  Below are before and after pictures from day one:

Miniature board shorts + crooked miniature sun glasses = SWAG
After approximately 47 minutes of sheer terror and screaming of bloody murder, he admits defeat.  But while he may have lost the battle, he has not lost the war
All that trauma makes for a sleepy little turd

The little warrior was not going to let a little sand in the butt crack and waves to the face keep him down for long.  On day two, he went back to face his enemy squarely.

First, he prepared for battle.

While his dad embarrassingly reads the latest in the Twilight series, Kohl immerses himself in the ancient martial wisdom contained in Sun Tzu’s The Art of War, looking for any edge he can get
Kohl is clearly not nervous about today’s bout with the Gulf after sharing a moment of levity with his trusted tactical advisor, Wally the Panda

And then it was on.

Sand, meet Kohl. Winner – Kohl
Wait, wait, wait, … nope.  Nevermind.  No meltdown.  Eat it, Gulf.
After a long day of domination, he passes out, alleyway-in-Tijuana-style

The final score, therefore, was a tie: Kohl – 1, Gulf of Mexico – 1.  But this was only the beginning of what is sure to be an epic battle for years to come.

ADDENDUM: Kohl’s family wishes to apologize to its vast readership in the inexcusable delay between posts.  Many things have happened since Kohl’s confrontation with the Gulf of Mexico, which we plan to relay over the next several weeks, so please stay tuned.

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