Author Archives: Sarah Chrestman
Great Big Lily Pad in the Sky
BREAKING NEWS: It has just been confirmed that Floyd 1.0 has died. Witnesses report that Floyd 1.0 stopped singing mid-song. Despite extraordinary efforts to change batteries, the house supervisor was unable to save him. “The batteries were quickly changed, but … Continue reading
The difference between Kohl’s placenta and Amelia’s was remarkable. Amelia’s was the textbook placenta where it provided love and nourishment to her and gave her life. The extra lobe and the tangled, unwanted blood vessels of Kohl’s placenta took life. … Continue reading
A Tale of Two Births
The births of Kohl and Amelia were, simply put, different. We decided early on during my pregnancy to do a planned C-section with Amelia. It was physically possible do a vaginal birth after caesarian (VBAC), but emotionally it was a … Continue reading